Thursday, July 15, 2010

Look Out World...

It's been a pretty huge week for us at the VeniVidiHousehold.  We had back to back birthdays last weekend - on Saturday Inara turned the big 0-4, and then on Sunday I turned...yeah, I'm not telling you how old I turned. It's far too depressing.


And now this!  This, my friends, this is HUGE.  Talk about icing on the cake...and talk about a big week for our family.

Before you get all your skivvies in a knot, let me just preface this by saying that I AM NOT PREGNANT. So let's just nip that in the bud right there.

And yes, I am totally screaming like a middle-aged mom at the latest Twilight movie premiere.  Not that I'm a fan of Edward (Go Team Jacob!) or anything.


Check it out!  THIS IS HUGE!!!  I personally think the ending is the best...

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